Freaked Out About Spider Veins? Treatment Methods Can Ease Your Anxiety

Maybe you first noticed them when you were in the dressing room trying on a new bathing suit for your upcoming vacation or maybe you've been aware of them for some time, but they were not as noticeable and now seem to be glaring. No matter when you first discover them, spider veins are never a welcome sight. Understanding a little bit about their cause and how you can treat them will help you discuss with your doctor which treatment may be best for you.

Symptoms In Men That Warrant A Referral To A Urologist

When you experience problems that affect the urinary or reproductive systems, the first stop is usually your primary care provider. Depending on symptom presentation and the results of relevant blood work, your provider might feel like a referral to a urologist is necessary for diagnosis and treatment. Prostate Enlargement Prostate exams are recommended for men age 40-50 depending on their risk factors. Men of average risk should begin screenings at age 50 and those with higher risks should begin screening at age 40-45.

What Women Should Know About Colonoscopies

As people get older, their risk for colorectal cancer increases. One of the most effective ways to screen for colon cancer is through a colonoscopy. While the colonoscopy procedure is more commonly associated with men, women should also be concerned with this procedure. Here are a few things women should know about this procedure. Colonoscopies Identify Cancer Signs Early  First and foremost, colonoscopies can detect early signs of colorectal cancer, which is important for both men and women.

Top Medical Weight Loss Options

Some people can lose weight on their own with a strict diet and exercise. Others struggle to lose weight in this manner and really need a medical weight loss program to achieve success. But medical weight loss can involve a lot more than your doctor telling you what to eat. Here are some of the top, more advanced weight loss measures your doctor may recommend. Appetite Suppressant Medications One of the first things a doctor will usually do for patients in a medical weight loss program is collect data on what you eat.

What You Need To Know About Transgender Reassignment Surgery

When it comes to transgender reassignment surgery, there's a lot of information to take in. And with transgender healthcare becoming increasingly visible in the media, it's important to be well-informed about all aspects of transgender care –– including surgery. This article explores everything you need to know about transgender reassignment surgery. What Is Transgender Reassignment Surgery? Transgender reassignment surgery is a procedure that changes a person's physical appearance and operation to match their gender identity.