Top Medical Weight Loss Options

Some people can lose weight on their own with a strict diet and exercise. Others struggle to lose weight in this manner and really need a medical weight loss program to achieve success. But medical weight loss can involve a lot more than your doctor telling you what to eat. Here are some of the top, more advanced weight loss measures your doctor may recommend.

Appetite Suppressant Medications

One of the first things a doctor will usually do for patients in a medical weight loss program is collect data on what you eat. If they find you are eating way too much because you have a large appetite, they may first recommend an appetite suppressant medication. These medications cause your body to release less of the hormones associated with hunger. Once you begin taking them, your appetite should diminish, and you should find yourself better able to control what you eat. Not all patients tolerate these medications well. Some do experience nausea and fatigue when taking them. However, they're worth trying because when they work, they can be a powerful weight loss aid.

Gastric Band Surgery

If appetite suppressant medications don't work or are not an option for you, then your doctor may recommend a gastric band. This is a band that is surgically placed around your stomach. It keeps your stomach from expanding too far, which means you get full faster and should eat less. A gastric band surgery does come with risks since you'll have to have an incision in your abdomen to have it placed. However, it is a reversible procedure. Once you lose the weight, your doctor can remove the band and restore your normal stomach function should you decide that's the best option for you.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

If you have a lot of weight to lose, your doctor may recommend something a bit more intensive than a gastric band surgery: gastric sleeve surgery. In this procedure, part of your stomach is removed. You are left with a long, tubular stomach that looks like a sleeve. Gastric sleeve surgery will greatly restrict the volume of food you can eat in the future. It's non-reversible, so it works well for patients who need a permanent weight loss solution.

If losing weight on your own is not panning out, then explore the medical weight loss options above. Your doctor can tell you more about these options and recommend the best one for you.

For more information, contact a company such as New You Medical Center.
