Freaked Out About Spider Veins? Treatment Methods Can Ease Your Anxiety

Maybe you first noticed them when you were in the dressing room trying on a new bathing suit for your upcoming vacation or maybe you've been aware of them for some time, but they were not as noticeable and now seem to be glaring. No matter when you first discover them, spider veins are never a welcome sight. Understanding a little bit about their cause and how you can treat them will help you discuss with your doctor which treatment may be best for you.   

Eliminate things that irritate spider veins

Certain factors play a role in the development or worsening of spider veins. If you are overweight, eating healthy and losing extra pounds can help. You should also eliminate or reduce your consumption of alcohol, as it can lead to skin flushing and the formation of spider veins. You should also avoid tight clothing that can constrict blood vessels and irritate spider veins.

Spider veins may be worse if you have a sedentary job. Try to incorporate regular walking into your workday to keep your blood flowing. Avoiding hot baths and choosing warm water instead may be helpful.

Compression stockings

Often a first step for helping spider veins is the use of compression stockings to keep healthy blood flow in the legs. Gradient compression stockings can often be purchased at your local pharmacy and provide medium support to the legs. Stronger compression stockings can be prescribed by your doctor.


In sclerotherapy, a substance is injected directly into the spider vein. In time, this may cause the vein to shrink and fade or vanish entirely. This procedure may have to be repeated several times to achieve the right outcome.

Laser treatments

Non-invasive laser treatments are a popular method of eliminating spider veins. A laser beam is directed at the vein, which in turn can cause the vein to dry up. This procedure is good for spider veins that lie close to the surface of the skin.


Often used only for larger spider veins or varicose veins, surgical removal of the vein may be necessary in some cases. However, this surgery is invasive and is not without the usual surgery risks, such as infection or bleeding problems. Your doctor will determine if it is right for your condition.

Spider veins can be unsightly but there are treatments that can help. You should discuss the various treatment options with your physician to determine which methods will work best for you. With the right treatment, you can reduce the appearance of spider veins and make them less noticeable, so you can feel more confident wearing the clothing you love.

Contact a local doctor to learn more about spider vein treatments.
