Going Through Cancer Treatment? 4 Nutrients Your Body Needs

If you are going through cancer treatment, chemotherapy can take a toll on your body. Getting enough nutrients is important, because it allows your normal cells to recover, and will give you more energy to help you get through this trying time. Below are four nutrients you should try to get into your diet. Proteins Cancer treatment kills your healthy cells, and it can temporarily weaken your immune system, which can leave you susceptible to infections, colds, etc.

3 Ways To Manage Hot Flashes

Hot flashes can be extremely frustrating for women who are going through menopause. They can wake you up at night, covered in sweat. They can ruin your favorite dress or make you uncomfortably sticky before a big meeting. Currently, there are numerous research studies that are happening that are investigating ways to reduce the hot flashes that a woman undergoes. If there are no medical research studies in your area, consider these three tips for easing the symptoms of a hot flash.

Enhancing Quality Of Life Through Hard Work And Commitment - Skills Improved By Occupational Therapy

Whether you're working to recover from a major accident or you have a child or loved one who was born with a condition which limits their independence, occupational therapy can have significant benefits. Dignity and independence are at the foundation of what most people consider to be a high quality of life, and it's important that you work to maximize them. Below, you'll find a guide to some of the skills that your occupational therapist will work to improve.

Three Child-Safe Home Remedies That Help Relieve Cold Symptoms

If your child is prone to catching a cold, it might seem like he or she is sick all of the time. That's because the common cold affects children more often than adults. Children, especially those under age six, may experience six to 10 colds annually, each one lasting between two and 14 days. Unfortunately, there isn't a cure for the cold, and there aren't any home remedies that will make your child's cold symptoms disappear faster.

3 Eye Disorders That Your Child's School Vision Tests Cannot Detect

Many parents assume that their children will tell them if they cannot see well, but unfortunately, many young children just don't understand that they are having a vision problem until they are tested for it. Their eyesight may gradually decline and not even be noticeable to them. There are also eye disorders that cannot be detected with just a typical vision-chart reading given at their school. It is very important to have your child's eyes examined regularly after he or she turns six months of age.