Seeking A Second Opinion Before Surgery: 4 Tips

If your doctor has advised you to have surgery, and you do not need that surgery ASAP, then it's generally best to do your due diligence and get a second opinion before scheduling your surgery. There may be multiple surgical approaches, and a second doctor may be able to give you more insight into your options. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you seek that second opinion.

Seek out a surgical center.

Look for a surgical center, which is a medical facility that specializes in surgery. The surgeons who work at these facilities tend to be more specialized than those who perform surgery in hospitals alone. Plus, surgical centers may have access to more up-to-date technology, such as surgical robots, that may not yet be implemented in your local hospital. You're likely to get more information and be offered more options by a surgical center.

Don't give them the other doctor's opinions upfront.

Surgeons and doctors do their best to be unbiased in their opinions and advice. However, if you go into the appointment and tell them, right off, what the other doctor suggested, this may introduce bias to their thinking. You are better off letting them examine you and make their own, independent assessments before you tell them what the other doctor said or thought. This way, you will have two completely independent sets of diagnoses and recommendations to compare.

Ask about alternative approaches.

A surgeon will often present you with their best, most highly recommended approach first. But that does not mean this is the only approach. When getting a second opinion, you should ask about other options and approaches. Some of these approaches might be better suited to your unique needs. For instance, one procedure might have a slightly lower success rate but a much shorter recovery time, which might be what you prefer if you are a busy parent.

Ask what your insurance covers.

You want to choose a surgical approach that your health insurance will cover. Some of the alternative approaches suggested during second opinions may not be fully covered by insurance. So, always ask about coverage before you agree to any specific surgery.

If you follow the tips above, you should get more out of requesting a second opinion on surgery. Talk to a surgeon in your area to learn more about surgical services. If you're struggling to find a surgical center near you, then your health insurance company can often help.
