Six Suggestions For Getting The Results You Seek From Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures

Being satisfied with the results of your cosmetic dermatology procedures is important. There are numerous things you and your dermatologist can do to ensure that you get the results you're seeking. 

The following are six suggestions for getting the results you seek from cosmetic dermatology procedures. 

Being patient

One of the first things you should know is that you might not see results immediately after you get home from the procedure. In fact, you might not see full results until an entire week has passed from the day of your appointment when it comes to botulinum toxin injections. 

Wait a few days for full results to show if you returned home from an appointment recently and don't see a big difference. 

Going in for repeated treatments

When you first begin injection treatment know that results will not be permanent. You'll need to go in for repeat procedures for results to last long term. After about three months have passed, your results will start to fade and you will need to schedule another appointment. 

Not overdoing it with scheduling treatments

If you go in for treatments too often, the effects are likely to do more harm than good. Getting botulinum toxin injections too often can cause illness. It can also lead to unattractive symptoms like swollen cheeks and lips. 

Only go in for treatment as often as recommended by your dermatologist for the best possible results. 

Being realistic with your expectations

Cosmetic dermatology can significantly improve your appearance. However, you still have to be realistic regarding your expectations. It's unlikely that treatments will completely erase especially severe wrinkles on the forehead or between the eyebrows, but treatments can still make some big improvements.

Go in with realistic expectations and you should be happy with your results. 

Not engaging in behaviors either before or after treatment that compromise results

There are numerous things you're supposed to avoid doing before and after treatment. For example, you shouldn't consume alcohol too soon before or after treatment. It's also recommended you don't sleep on your face after treatment.

Make sure you follow all your dermatologist's instructions when it comes to preparing for and recovering from procedures. 

Expressing your goals clearly to your dermatologist

Your dermatologist will adapt your treatment to your desires and preferences. That's why it's so important that you communicate clearly with them and specifically address any concerns you may have. This is the best way to get the results you're hoping for. Contact a facility that offers Botox injections for more information. 
