Reasons Why Woman's Health Services Matter

Today, women are encouraged to embrace healthy habits, such as stress management, regular exercises, and a healthy diet. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention data, 15.6% of American women are in poor or fair health, while 41.8% are obese. These women are susceptible to many health conditions. Apart from practicing healthy lifestyles, seeking a woman's health service should be a priority. You should prioritize routine health screenings to detect potential health problems and live healthier longer.

Why Woman's Health Matter

In recent years, women have become more noticeably busier than men. Apart from work commitments, women can also be wives and mothers. Studies show that most women tend to prioritize other duties at the expense of their health.

The main barriers for women not maintaining a healthy lifestyle include:

  •  Health not being a priority
  •  Lack of time

Some health issues are specific to women alone. A health professional specialist can help detect some of these women-specific diseases, such as:

  •  Breast cancer
  •  Ovarian cancer
  •  Cervical cancer

Besides these terminal diseases, there are many other women's conditions that are addressed through woman's healthcare. These include:

  • Contraceptive services
  •  Sexually transmitted infections
  •  Pregnancy and childbirth
  •  Sexual health
  •  Menopause and hormone therapy
  •  A wide variety of benign conditions which affect the female reproductive organs.

Why Seek Woman's Health Services Today

How can you look after your loved ones when you are sick? Every doctor will tell you that prioritizing your health is making a substantial investment in your future. It's about time you put yourself first and take your health seriously.

One of the main services offered through woman's healthcare is screening. When you detect most diseases early, it prevents complications and improves the quality of life. As a woman, how seriously do you take regular screening? Some of the screenings that you should regularly check include:

  • Blood pressure screening- Annual screening is recommended.
  • Cholesterol check- It should be checked once every five years.
  • Pap Smear for Cervical Cancer- If you are above 21 years, you should have a pap smear after two to three years.
  • Mammogram for Breast Cancer- It should be done annually, especially if you are above 45 years.
  • Bone Density Screening for Osteoporosis- The frequency depends on your bone density, among other health factors.
  • Blood Glucose Test for Diabetes- You should take the test every three years.
  • Body Mass Index for Obesity- You should always screen for obesity every time you make a hospital visit.
  • Skin Examination- Your skin should be examined every month for signs of skin cancer and other dermatological conditions.


As a woman, one way of staying on top of your health is by regularly seeking woman's health services. If you invest in your health, you will have a longer, healthy life and be in a better position to look after your loved ones.
