Types Of Breast Cancer Treatments

Medical advancement makes it possible to detect breast cancer at a treatable stage. More so, technological advancement now allows proper management of breast cancer at different stages. There are various treatment options for breast cancer, depending on how far it has spread. However, having to choose a treatment option after a diagnosis is overwhelming. Understanding the breast cancer treatment services available in the medical field can ease the selection process. 

How Is Breast Cancer Treated?

There are several treatment programs for breast cancer. Medical practitioners consider the following factors when choosing an appropriate program: 

  • Age of the patient
  • Whether you are menstruating or attained menopause
  • The stage of the breast cancer
  • How spread the cancer is in the lymph nodes and the body
  • Whether it is an invasive or non-invasive type of cancer
  • Overall medical condition and cancer history 

Typically, treatment begins with a biopsy that determines precise diagnosis before staging to determine the size of the tumor and spread. Based on the preceding factors, the medical team will prescribe one or combined breast cancer treatment programs.

Breast Cancer Treatments


In this option, a surgical procedure helps to remove cancer cells and examine the spread of breast cancer. This approach is the most prevalent treatment method for breast cancer. The surgeon will conduct either a lumpectomy or mastectomy. In the case of lumpectomy, the surgery removes only the tumor. In comparison, a mastectomy involves removing one or both breasts. 

Drug Therapy

Drug therapy is the use of drugs that destroys or slows down cancer cells in the body. Breast cancer patients receive the drugs as oral pills or through intravenous injections in the blood vessels. The medical team may recommend chemotherapy before and after surgery to reduce tumors and kill cancerous cells. Essentially, chemotherapy involves administering medications that stop the multiplication of cancer cells. Furthermore, treatment can include hormone therapy that reduces and blocks hormones responsible for the growth of cancer cells. Lastly, targeted therapy and immunotherapy target the proteins in cancer cells and stimulates or inhibits the immune cells to slow the spread of cancer. 

Radiation Therapy 

In radiation therapy, patients get exposed to high-energy rays such as X-rays that damage cancer cells. This method relies on the use of technology and radiation machines that target tumors with high precision. Ideally, radiation works best with other treatments like surgery to kill any cancer cells left behind.

Clinical Trials 

The cancer specialist may advise a patient to enroll in a clinical trial for a new breast cancer treatment option. However, clinical trials require careful consideration and selection based on individual qualifications. 

Selecting the best cancer treatment plan is challenging and requires medical consultation. The ideal medical services provider will recommend the best option based on the benefits and risks. Even if you have a cancer doctor, consider getting a second opinion. Contact a breast cancer treatment service for more information. 
