Why You Should Take Your Child To A Pediatrician Instead Of A Physician

Your young child should be seen by a pediatrician rather than the doctor that treats you for your ailments. Your doctor may know a lot about health and well-being, but a pediatrician specializes in infant, toddler, big kid, and tween health. In addition, a pediatrician has the most up-to-date medical information about pediatric care, as opposed to your doctor, who has a much broader scope of medical information. Overall, a pediatrician is more centered around the care of children. If you are not sure if you should take your child to a pediatrician or to your regular doctor, read on for reasons why you should go to a pediatrician.

More At Ease

Your child will feel more at ease with a pediatrician than with your doctor, as the pediatrician's office is catered to children. They will have children's books, possibly toys to play with, and the pediatrician is going to make your child feel much more at ease as they talk to your child and understands how to get on your child's level. They are around other children all day long, so they know exactly how to talk to children and how to make them feel more comfortable.

Vaccination Schedule

Your child's pediatrician will have a vaccination schedule in place that is appropriate and will ensure your child gets all of the vaccinations needed at every milestone. Your doctor may not have all of this, and may not have the same type of schedule as the pediatrician's office.

Information Provided

More than likely the pediatrician's office is going to provide you with information as your child ages and reaches different milestones to keep you informed of what to expect and what may be to come. For instance, when your baby is an infant, your pediatrician's office may provide you with information about sleep schedules, feeding information, and some things you can expect with teething, as well as what you can do to help your baby. Your doctor's office may not have access to this information, or it may not be as up-to-date as your pediatrician's office.

If you are not sure if you should take your infant or child to a pediatrician or to a regular physician, consider a pediatrician. Your child will be more at ease, and you will also feel more at ease knowing your child is in good hands. 

If you need more information, contact a pediatric physician
