3 Signs You Should Consider Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

Many pelvic prolapses are treated conservatively, with pessaries or pelvic exercises to strengthen and support the pelvic region. However, there may come a point when you have to decide whether you should undergo a surgical treatment to help reconstruct your pelvic region after a prolapse. Some surgeries may cause future problems with sex, childbirth, or the need for additional surgery, so it is important that you and your doctor decide together that surgery is the best option for you. Below are three signs that you should consider pelvic reconstructive surgery. 

Your Pelvic Prolapse Is Interfering with Your Quality of Life 

If you are in frequent pain due to your pelvic prolapse, your doctor will likely recommend that you consider reconstructive surgery. However, other symptoms of pelvic prolapse can also interfere with your daily life and may not receive an immediate recommendation for surgery from your doctor. For example, incontinence or sexual pain can interfere with your social relationships and your overall happiness. It is important for you to assess the amount that your prolapse interferes with your quality of life and make a decision that fits your personal needs. 

Conservative Treatments Have Not Had the Desired Effect 

Unless you have a severe prolapse accompanied by pain, your doctor will likely recommend that you try conservative treatments before surgery. This can include a pessary that will support the vaginal wall or pelvic exercises. If you are completing strengthening exercises, it can take a considerable amount of time before you see improvement. It is important that you discuss with your doctor when you can expect improvement and let them know if the treatment does not seem to be working. 

You Do Not Plan on Having Children Later 

The weight and pressure of carrying a child in your womb will likely have negative affects on your surgery and can often cause a secondary prolapse. For this reason, if your prolapse is not negatively affecting your quality of life, you should most likely hold off on reconstructive surgery until after you have had the children you desire. Also, keep in mind that some forms of reconstructive surgery can negatively impact your fertility, making it difficult or impossible to conceive naturally. For this reason, it is important for you to be certain regarding your decision about future children. 

Undergoing pelvic reconstructive surgery is an important thing that can improve many aspects of your life. However, it is important that you discuss it in detail with your doctor before making a decision. Talk to a healthcare provider at an organization such as Western Branch Center for Women to get a better idea of what your options are.
