Keloids: Super Scars

For most people, an injury or a wound heals nicely. If there is a scar, it is commensurate with the size of the original wound. For a few unlucky souls, a scar will develop that is larger than the original wound: sometimes much larger. These scars are named keloids, and they can result in some truly frightening bumps and lumps on your body. Fortunately, your dermatologist can treat them in several ways.


People with dark skin are more likely to get keloids, but even the palest person can be prone to them. This overgrowth of scar tissue usually begins several months after a wound is incurred and can continue growing for some months. If someone in your family has this condition, you are more likely to develop it as well. Also, if you have one keloid, you may well develop another if you are in the prime age for this condition, thought to be between 10 and 30 years old. 

Ironically, you can develop keloids after a cosmetic procedure. For instance, wart removal on some people can result in scars much larger and more noticeable than the original growths were. While most people can get piercings without complications, a keloid sufferer can end up with ice-cube sized bumps behind the ears or elsewhere on the body. Even a simple scraped knee can become a big, shiny scar. Although removing these scars surgically can mean that bigger scars grow back, there are other methods for reducing the look of keloids.


One common treatment is for the doctor to inject steroids under and into the scar periodically until it flattens. The scar will still be visible but far less noticeable. Your physician may also recommend cryotherapy for your keloids. This treatment involves freezing the keloid with liquid nitrogen to a temperature that is as low as -196 degrees Celsius. As a result, the keloid tissue is destroyed, although you may need several treatments for the scar to be flattened. Compression bandages are another treatment that is commonly used. Your doctor will recommend the procedure that best fits the size and location of your particular keloid. For more information, contact Ice Cryo or a similar company.

If you have a large "puffy" scar that developed after a wound, you may well have a keloid. If it is located in an obvious spot, you may wish to seek treatment to make it less visible. Also, some keloids are so large that they can cause discomfort. Seek help from your dermatologist to find relief from these growths. 
