Effective Natural Menopause Treatments You Can Try At Home

According to the North American Menopause Society, the average woman reaches menopause around the age of 51. With menopause comes such symptoms as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, weight gain, moodiness, and insomnia. Instead of starting off with hormone therapies, it is a good idea to try a few natural menopause treatments at home. Not only will these methods save you money, but they are easier on your body and have less side effects. 


Women who aren't currently exercising on a regular basis will discover that adding this to your daily routine offers a great many benefits in the area of menopause. It will help with the insomnia and weight gain and can even lift your mood. It is also important to add Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor. This is especially true if you are experiencing any type of urinary incontinence during menopause. 

Black Cohosh

One of the best ways to combat the symptoms of night sweats and vaginal dryness is to add black cohosh to your diet. Reader's Digest Best Health Magazine recommends using 1/2 to 1 mL of black cohosh tincture in half a glass of water between two and four times a day as needed. They suggest you continue this cycle for six weeks, taking four weeks off in between each cycle. The herb works by dilating your blood vessels so that heat is sent to your skin. 

Maca Root

The Women in Balance Institute from the National University of Natural Medicine states that maca root has hormone-neutralizing effects. It is excellent for women going through menopause for that reason, as well as the fact that it helps with fatigue and insomnia. The institute also reports that research shows maca root increases a woman's sex drive, reduces the frequency of hot flashes, and lowers anxiety. 

Sage Tea

Another option is to brew a cup of sage tea in the morning and evening. Sage tea is known for its cooling effects that relieve the hot flashes and night sweats that women often suffer from when going through menopause. The product is extremely affordable and doesn't contain any caffeine for those that can only consume decaffeinated drinks. 

It is important to visit your OB/GYN to discuss your menopause treatments. He or she can oversee your progress, even when using natural methods at home. The doctor will also be able to warn you of any herbal supplements that conflict with any medications you are currently taking for other possible medical conditions. 
