4 Signs That Your Child May Have Vision Problems

Many children have vision problems but do not realize it, which is why it is important for parents to know the signs of a possible vision problem so a vision screening can be conducted by an optometrist. Quickly recognizing that your child has a vision problem and getting it corrected with glasses can go a long way in helping your child learn during his or her formative years. Common signs of vision problems in children include:

Excessive Squinting

Children often squint in an attempt to focus their eyes so they can see more clearly. Squinting can be a sign of both farsightedness (difficulty seeing things close up) and nearsightedness (difficulty seeing things far away), so if you notice that your child squints a lot both indoors and outdoors it is a good idea to make an appointment to have a vision screening conducted. In addition to squinting, take not if your child regularly closes one eye to try to see better, or continually rubs his or her eyes, as these can also be signs that your child is having trouble seeing. 

Complaints of Headaches or Dizziness 

It is not uncommon for headaches or dizziness to occur when a child is continually straining his or her eyes trying to focus and see things clearly. While headaches and dizziness can be a symptom of several serious problems, some of which can be serious, it is a good idea to see an optometrist first to see if they are caused by a vision problem before doing more invasive tests. In many cases the headaches and dizziness will go away after your child begins wearing glasses if he or she does indeed have a vision problem.

Problems Losing Place While Reading

Strong reading skills are important for a child to excel academically, so it can be alarming to see you child struggling while reading. If your child regularly skips lines while reading or easily loses his or her place, the issue may be due to eye muscle problems or an astigmatism. An optometrist will be able to help with treatment to fix these problems.

Difficulty in School

A lot of learning in school is visually based, so if your child cannot see the front of the classroom and what the teacher is doing, he or she may begin to fall behind and fail to do well on tests. A vision screening can determine if your child's issues in school may be tied to vision problems and not being able to see clearly; a pair of glasses can usually make a big difference. 

To learn more, contact an optometry clinic like Baldwin Optical & Hearing Aid Co.
