Get Tough With Addiction, Not The Teen Addict: Use Compassion, Empowerment And Support To Find Hope

When you discover that an adolescent you love is addicted to drugs, it can seem like the end of your hopes and dreams for that child. But there are many reasons to believe your teen can beat their attraction to addictive substances. Researchers are continually studying how the brain and addiction work together. They are discovering new methods and strategies for coping with and overcoming drug addiction in teens. Compassion is the key

Keloids: Super Scars

For most people, an injury or a wound heals nicely. If there is a scar, it is commensurate with the size of the original wound. For a few unlucky souls, a scar will develop that is larger than the original wound: sometimes much larger. These scars are named keloids, and they can result in some truly frightening bumps and lumps on your body. Fortunately, your dermatologist can treat them in several ways.

Daily Living Tips To Help Relieve Back Pain

Not all back pain requires treatment with medication. If you suffer back pain – whether intermittent or chronic – your doctor may recommend common sense approaches that can help manage or relieve back pain and improve your daily functioning. Know your physical limits. Heavy lifting can strain muscles in your body, increasing the risk that you will injure yourself. Lift with your legs since they're stronger than your back. Another way to help lessen the impact on your spine is to tighten your stomach muscles as you lift.

Effective Natural Menopause Treatments You Can Try At Home

According to the North American Menopause Society, the average woman reaches menopause around the age of 51. With menopause comes such symptoms as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, weight gain, moodiness, and insomnia. Instead of starting off with hormone therapies, it is a good idea to try a few natural menopause treatments at home. Not only will these methods save you money, but they are easier on your body and have less side effects.

I Can Hear That! 3 Tips To Help Your Child Adjust To Their New Hearing Aids

If your child has a hearing problem, you've probably been looking forward to the day when they'd finally have their hearing aids. That can be an exciting day, as you await the opportunity for your child to finally hear the world around them. It's important to remember that your child might not adjust to the new hearing aids as quickly as you'd like them to. They may actually react negatively towards them.